It’s been a journey, to say the least....


It’s been a journey to say the least, pursuing passion with utmost importance. Seeking happiness in every moment, chasing dreams and nothing more. Becoming so transfixed on goals yet neglecting the hard work needed to achieve them. Riding high on the things that come easily and rallying in apathetic optimism that it’s going to work out because it has to... simply because you believe you deserve it. And then abruptly the moment comes, unexpectedly turned upside down, and caught between the dualities of doing what you love and the reality of living a balanced life. The clash is loud at the end of the line when everything you’ve cultivated and cherish begins to falter and almost slips away. The sense of failure touches a deep part of the soul that believed so strongly that everything was all right. The crushing realism in seeing the limiting factor could, in fact, be yourself comes as a surprise. But what else is there to do now other than accept that it’s just a lesson, albeit a rough one?

There’s a line out there that’s been crossed over….

But how far back was it?

-Kyle Queener